Our ecological footprint is the harmful change that each person causes to the environment—that microcosm with a great diversity of life, and the space that allows you to exist. So, if you are a decent human being, it is both inevitable and obligatory that you care about the state of the environment, and even more so that you make an effort to have a positive effect on the planet. Small details and micro-actions have a huge impact (not for nothing are we just a few years away from filling the seas with the same amount of plastic as fish). If you still do agree with this, you are invited you to try: change your lifestyle, little by little—but religiously; be part of the contemporary consciousness demanded by our time, our planet, and our society during this time in the universe.
Use energy-saving light bulbs and try not to leave appliances or the heating on when you are not at home. It is worth remembering that, many times, electric light is not essential: so turn it off. If you have a budget, install solar panels to generate your electricity. Use sustainable systems that use less energy and are more cost-effective—you may want to look at discount AC units. As for waste, remember that you can always redesign your concept: nothing is a waste. Carefully and religiously deposit each waste product in its container (organic, inorganic, and recyclable), and don't forget that organic waste can always be composted and reused to make organic food at home.
Walk, cycle, take public transport, or share lifts to get
around. There are many healthy options that also take care of the planet’s
carbon footprint as well as your own. Currently, the congestion of major cities
is caused by the habitual use of cars, which is increasing day by day. Wouldn't
you prefer, for example, that instead of allocating public resources to create
more vehicular avenues, the money was used to provide public transport of the
highest quality? The future of sustainability is here.