Is your bathroom in need of a refresh? Not only can revitalizing your bathroom make it a more pleasant place to reside as you have a soothing bubble bath, but it will also add extra value to your home.
Sadly, the standard bathroom remodel is not cheap. In fact, statistics suggest the average mid-range bathroom remodel costs around $20,000.
If you’re willing to get creative, however, it’s possible to remodel your bathroom at a fraction of that aforementioned price. So when you start the plan for your new bathroom, take into account these following five points to save thousands:
Wait for the sales
If you’re not in a rush to complete your bathroom remodel, it could pay off to wait until certain features are up for sale. For instance, you might want to wait until a shower unit or toilet has been reduced in price before buying.
Alternatively, you have the option of utilizing coupons. If you have, say, a Bed Bath and Beyond coupon, you could purchase various bathroom features at a reduced price.
Strategic tiling
When it comes to tiling, this can be one of the most expensive parts of a bathroom renovation.
With a bit of strategic planning, this aspect can become budget-friendly. For example, you can limit tile usage and only focus on the most important areas – such as the floor. Additionally, you could mix more expensive tiles with a cheaper variety. The expensive tile can work as an eye-catching accent, and the cheaper tiles help keep costs down.
Freshen up with paint
Perhaps the cheapest yet most effective way of revitalizing your bathroom is by giving it a fresh lick of paint.
With that said, you have to take care when painting a bathroom. When you consider how easily mildew and mold can develop in this room, it can damage the paint finish over time. Due to this, it’s wise to invest in a paint which is both high-quality and with a satin finish.
Refresh your bathtub, don’t replace
As it the main focal point of the bathroom, you can easily be tempted to completely replace your bathtub or shower cubicle. However, this is far from the most cost-effective option – especially when you take into consideration installation and removal expenses.
Instead of replacing the bathtub or shower, giving it a refresh can significantly help with its appearance. If the surface has some nicks or yellowing, you can go for a refinish. Alternatively, a touch-up with specialist products – such as Super Glue Porcelain Repair – will cover up any minor issues with ease.
Don’t forget the little details
Small changes can make a big difference. With this in mind, you shouldn’t forget about the fixtures of the bathroom. These fixtures include the likes of towel racks, faucets, cabinets, and light fixtures. They might seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but switching them up can make a significant difference to your bathroom’s appearance.
Thankfully, most fixtures are inexpensive to purchase in general; however, it’s also possible to repurpose old materials that you can acquire for free, transforming them into a unique piece for your bathroom.