The Magical Tale of Halloween Dust - A Halloween Tradition
Halloween can be such a fun time for those both young and old. Sometimes it can even be super scary for young children. The Magical Tale of Halloween tells about how two young children who either face their fears or run from them. The best solution is the magical pouch included with the book which they use to face their fears and spread Halloween Dust.
This book is adorable and so enjoyable for the young. If you child has those fears this a great book for them to read, or for you to read along with them.
When my daughter was younger she loved to dress up with her costume and tried so hard to trick or treat. She was just to scared. I believe if I would have had this book and the Halloween Dust she would have been able to go trick or treating. She would have put the dust all over when she was a little frightened. Do you have children that were scared at Halloween? Would love to hear about your experience.
We as adults know it is a fun Holiday but not all children feel the same. I know sometimes as an adult I can get scared too !! I might just need that Halloween dust also.
I highly recommend this book for all. Nothing better than reading a good book whether you have no fear of Halloween or do. My daughter now is a Kindergarten teacher. It is a little to early for her to read her class this book but she plans to. I suggested she get 20 little bags and put a little Halloween dust in side for each of her children. I am sure they will love it and go home and show their parents that they do not need to be scared.
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