Watch Fireworks all around the United States on the 4th of July
WHAT: EarthCam invites everyone to be a part of the
Independence Day celebrations taking place across the country on
Wednesday, July 4th with its special collection of live streaming
webcams throughout the U.S. Experience the energy and excitement of the
fireworks with real-time video and audio in locations from the East to
West Coast!
WHY: Watch as fireworks light up the nighttime sky
over New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, and more. EarthCam is
thrilled to add Denver, CO, Nashville, TN, Atlantic Highlands, NJ and
Lake George, NY to this year’s lineup.
HOW: Join the Independence Day festivities from sea to shining sea with EarthCam's collection of live streaming webcams. Download EarthCam’s Webcams app and take the fireworks with you wherever you go. The July 4th coverage is also available on EarthCamTV, along with apps for Apple TV and Amazon Fire TV. Have a happy and safe holiday!