is one thing, but sweet? Sweet has its place in more palates
than you might
expect, especially as a way to start the day. If you go to
an office,
something sweet may be just what you need to get your day off
to a great start.
because something is
sweet does not mean it has to be bad for you. In fact, there’s
a way to start
your day and feed that craving without it taking over (and
leading to some
unhealthy habits).
Think about
what sweeteners that
are natural, for example, such as maple syrup and honey.
Balance those with
ingredients that are full of nutrients and vitamins, and you
have the start of
a great, healthy snack for your morning. And many of the
things you might find
on the grocery shelves are ones that you can make yourself.
What are some
ideas? This graphic offers some thoughts.
Courtesy: Zerocater