Unroll.Me Take control over your email subscriptions


I came across Unroll.Me about a year ago. I did a search on goggle on how to get rid of unwanted emails. I manually unsubscribed to each email and that was extremely time consuming.  I seen unrolleme, went to their website and followed their easy directions. I had orginally over 55 subscriptions to emails. It showed me exactly what I was subscribed to.

Their newest release is a great App you can download in the ITunes store.

The program is very easy to use and their are quite a few options on how you would like your email displayed. Use it on your iPhone, iPad IOS devices.

Great program I highly recommend. I have been using it on my PC but now love the idea of using it on my iPhone. Easy to use, simple instructions. Get started today taking back control of your emails. 

Let me know how many you subscriptions you find.

#unrollme #email #spam #itunes #sponsored