- $1.50 off TWO JOHNSON'S and/or Desitin products
- $0.50 off 1 Peter Pan Simply Ground Peanut Butter
- $1.50 off 2 Well Beginnings Protection Diapers
- Buy any 3 Hunts, Manwich, Rosarita, Get 1 Free
- $2.00 off $5.00 of Weight Watchers products
- $0.50 off (1) pepper sauce from TABASCO brand
- $1.50 off Breathe Right Nasal Strips
- $1.00 off 2 Gerber or Graduates Yogurt Blends
- $2.00 off 1 Aleve-D product
- $1.00 off any 3 Gerber Graduates Meals or Sides
- $1.00 off any 3 Gerber Graduates Puffs
- $2.00 off any 6 Gerber Graduates Grabbers™ items
- $2.00 off 1 Aleve 40ct or larger
- $1.00 off 1 CEPACOL Sore Throat Product
- $1.00 off ONE Vicks DayQuil™ or NyQuil™ product
- $3.00 off TWO Vicks DayQuil™ or NyQuil™ products
- $0.55 off any one package of Ruffies Trash Bags
- $1.00 off 1 St Joseph low dose aspirin
- $1.00 off ONE ZzzQuil™ product
- $1.00 off any ONE First Response Multivitamin
- $1.00 off ONE Meta Product
- $1.00 off ONE MetaBiotic Product
- $1.00 off 1 Alka-Seltzer Plus product
- $1.00 off any Breathe Right product
- $1.00 off TWO Pepto-Bismol™ products
- $2.00 off ONE Prilosec OTC Product
- $0.25 off ONE Dawn Product
- $0.50 off ONE Mr.Clean Magic Eraser Bath Scrubber
- $1.00 off ONE Unstopables™ Candle
- $1.00 off ONE Unstopables™ Air Refresher
- $0.75 off ONE Febreze Small Spaces
- $0.75 off ONE Febreze Air Effects
- $0.75 off ONE Febreze Fabric Refresher
- $0.75 off ONE Febreze Car Vent Clip
- $1.00 off ONE Febreze Noticeables Refill
- $2.00 off TWO Unstopables
- $1.00 off ONE Unstopables™ Pluggable Scented Oil
- $1.00 off ONE Unstopables™ Fabric Refresher
- $0.50 off ONE Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Kitchen
- $0.50 off 1 Fleischmanns Simply Homemade Cornbread
- $1.00 off ONE Swiffer Wet Jet Refill
- $1.00 off ONE Swiffer Sweeper Dry Refill
- $1.00 off ONE Swiffer Duster Refill
- $1.00 off ONE Swiffer Sweeper Wet Refill
- $0.75 off ONE Gain Laundry Detergent
- $2.00 off ONE Gain Flings 31ct or larger
- $1.00 off ONE Unstopables™ In-Wash Scent Booster
- $0.50 off ONE Gain Fabric Enhancer
- $0.50 off ONE Charmin Basic
- $0.75 off ONE Charmin Ultra Soft or Strong 12ct
- $0.25 off ONE Bounty Paper Towels
- $0.25 off ONE Bounty Napkins
- $0.25 off ONE Puffs Product
- $0.25 off ONE Puffs Softpack 1ct or larger
- $1.00 off 1 Healthy Edibles Wild Edible Dogs Chews
- $1.00 off 1 Nutri Dent 3 Point Edible Dental Chew
- $2.00 off TWO Secret Deodorants or Body Sprays
- $1.00 off Secret Outlast Clear Gel Deodorant
- $0.25 off ONE Secret Antiperspirant/Deodorant
- $2.00 off ONE Secret Clinical Invisible Solid
- $0.75 off ONE Old Spice Antiperspirant/Deodorant
- $0.75 off ONE Old Spice Body Spray
- $2.00 off (2) Busy or Alpo brand dog snacks
- $2.00 off (1) Purina Beggin' brand Dog Treats
- $1.25 off any ONE (1) Starbucks Flavored Coffee
- $1.00 off 1 Bottle Of Plumsmart Or Plumsmart Light
- $2.00 off ONE Gillette Clinical Strength
- $1.00 off ONE Gillette Clear Gel Deodorant
- $0.75 off ONE Secret Deodorant or Body Spray
- $0.50 off ONE Always Pad
- $0.50 off ONE Always Liner 30ct or larger
- $0.50 off ONE Tampax Pearl Product
- $1.50 off TWO Tampax Pearl Products
- $0.75 off ONE Tampax Radiant Tampon Product
- $1.50 off ONE Oral-B Pro-Health Pulsar Toothbrush
- $0.50 off ONE Crest or Oral-B Kids Toothbrush
- $2.00 off ONE Vidal Sassoon Salonist Hair Color
- $1.00 off ONE Herbal Essences Hair Color
- $1.50 off ONE Clairol Natural Instinct Hair Color
- $2.00 off ONE Clairol Age Defy Hair Color Product
- $1.50 off ONE Clairol Nice N Easy Root Touch Up
- $1.50 off ONE Clairol Nice N Easy Hair Color
- $1.00 off ONE Venus Razor
- $1.00 off ONE Venus Disposable Razor
- $1.50 off ONE Gillette Disposable Razor
- $1.00 off ONE Olay Facial Moisturizer or Cleanser
- $2.00 off ONE Olay Pro-X Facial Moisturizer
- $2.00 off ONE Olay Luminous Facial Moisturizer
- $2.00 off 1 Olay Total Effects Facial Moisturizer
- $0.75 off ONE Old Spice Bar Soap 6ct or larger
- $1.00 off ONE Olay Hand & Body Lotion
- $1.10 off ONE Olay Body Wash
- $0.75 off ONE Old Spice Body Wash
- $0.50 off ONE Satin Care or Venus™ Shave Gel
- $0.75 off ONE Old Spice Aftershave
- $1.00 off ONE Fixodent Adhesive
- $0.50 off ONE Crest Kids Toothpaste
- $3.00 off one (1) Carmex Cold Sore Treatment
- $1.10 off ONE Olay Bar Soap
- $1.50 off ONE Pampers UnderJams Night Wear
- $1.50 off ONE Pampers Easy Ups Training Pants
- $1.00 off (1) Gerber Apparel or Bedding Item
- $0.75 off 2 DreamWorks cereals
- $1.00 off (1) CVS Pharmacy Training Pants
- $0.50 off ONE Luvs Diapers
- $1.00 off 1 Green Giant Saute OR frozen vegetables
- $1.00 off on any TWO TOMBSTONE Pizzas
- $0.80 off 4 Green Giant Frozen Vegetables
- $1.00 off 1 Bag of PlumSweets, Greek PlumSweets
- $1.00 off Amaz!n Diced Prunes
- $1.00 off 1 bag of Sunsweet Ones
- $0.50 off 2 Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks
- $1.00 off any TWO Harvest Snaps snacks
- $0.50 off 1 box Nature Valley™ Granola Bars
- $0.75 off 1 carton Annie's Organic Soup
- $1.00 off 4 Progresso Soups
- $1.00 off 1 Progresso Chili, Stew OR Cooking Stock
- $1.00 off 2 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods
- $0.75 off 1 Food Should Taste Good Snacks Products
- $0.50 off TWO BAGS any Chex Mix™ Products
- $1.00 off ONE package The Good Table™ product
- $0.75 off 3 LARABAR, UBER, ALT bars/RENOLA pouches
- $0.50 off Fiber One™ Snack Bars or Cookies
- $1.00 off TWO BOXES General Mills Big G cereals
- $1.00 off 2 boxes Chex cereals
- $0.50 off 1 box Lucky Charms cereal
- $1.00 off 2 boxes any flavor Cheerios cereals
- $0.50 off any FIVE cups Yoplait Yogurt
- $0.50 off TWO cups Plenti™ Greek Yogurt
- $0.20 off ONE cup Liberte Mediterranee yogurt
- $0.80 off FOUR Helper™ OR Ultimate Helper™ Dishes
- $0.75 off any one SeaPak product 8 oz. or larger
- $0.75 off 1 Old El Paso Dinner Kit
- $1.00 off (3) Bar-S Frank packages
Cynthia Nicoletti