Sunshine Girl Blog is Hosting a Giveaway for ONE LUCKY US Winner to Receive a Leonamade Homemade Body Butter Kit valued at $40.00. I could really use all you help promoting and signing up to help! Thank you!
Sunshine Girl Blog Needs Your Help Promoting! Please sign up today! Thanks so much!
You receive 2 FREE LINKS or 3 with announcement post (Facebook Visit, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram) Co-Hosting, and many more options to via Paypal
Co-Hosts Wanted & Needed~ $5 for 4 links of your choice (and I mean anything you choose other than Google+). You can do Facebook Comments, Blog Comments, Giveaway Entries, Daily Votes, Social Media Follows of your choice, ANYTHING! PLUS the 2 and/or 3 FREE links above gives you 7 Links Total!
Co-Hosts will also be promoted via graphic(s) and their site names with URL'S will be listed to the main giveaway page! All Co-Host Links will be listed individually on the giveaway form for 5 points per link on Giveaway Tools instead of the normal 2 points.