Temporary Relieves tobacco cravings.
I have been using Aqua-Tine™ for over 2 weeks now. I see such a difference in my smoking habits. The first packet I used made an immediate difference. I have been a smoker for many years and have tried so many alternatives. I have tired the E-Cigs, cold turkey, and the patch throughout the past years with no success. Aqua-Tine™ is a Homepathic small 2.4 ml packet that is a nicotine formulation. There is no taste and it is completely odorless. There are no carcinogens in this product.
I read about the ingredients before I started taking the packets. It does contain nicotine on a much smaller basis than smoking a cigarette. It is homeopathic. I was hesitant at first trying Aqua-Tine because I have failed in the past trying to cut down and quit smoking.
I have been using a packet in the morning because that is when the cravings are the most. I mix it with my iced coffee and there is no taste at all. I am not smoking for at least 3 hours. I would have smoked a few cigarettes within that time. I am so happy this is really helping me cut down and I hope to eventually stop smoking.
I read about the ingredients before I started taking the packets. It does contain nicotine on a much smaller basis than smoking a cigarette. It is homeopathic. I was hesitant at first trying Aqua-Tine because I have failed in the past trying to cut down and quit smoking.
I have been using a packet in the morning because that is when the cravings are the most. I mix it with my iced coffee and there is no taste at all. I am not smoking for at least 3 hours. I would have smoked a few cigarettes within that time. I am so happy this is really helping me cut down and I hope to eventually stop smoking.
The hardest part with smoking is when you are out and cannot smoke. If I am at a restaurant after I eat I immediately go outside to smoke. If I am on a long drive I tend to get cranky and need a cigarette. I started to take a water bottle with me no matter where I go or when I am driving. When I felt the urge to smoke I took out a packet of Aqua-Tine™ and poured it in my water bottle. There is no taste and it immediately takes away that terrible feeling of urgency to smoke. It takes away the anxiety and thinking about when I will have my next cigarette.
Smoking is a serious addiction and it defiantly interferes with my family. If we are having a family conversation, playing a game, watching a movie or cooking I always need that break to go outside and smoke. I no longer have that urge when I use Aqua-Tine™ . It has improved my thinking and what is most important my family.
When our family has a special event to attend in the past my habit has made me stop severals times to find some where to smoke. My children get upset and I do not blame them. There has been such a difference since using the packets with my smoking habits. We spent the day at the mall to have lunch and shop. I would always have to find an exit to go smoke that horrid cigarette. After we ate lunch I would immediately need to smoke. I mixed the packet in my drink and that urge was gone. It has made my children so happy and they have even commented that I have been doing great and they are proud of me. This truly makes me want to quit even more.
I had a doctors appointment and as usual it was a long wait. I started to crave a cigarette but instead I used Aqua-Tine™ mixed it in my water bottle and my anxiety and urge was gone.
I had a doctors appointment and as usual it was a long wait. I started to crave a cigarette but instead I used Aqua-Tine™ mixed it in my water bottle and my anxiety and urge was gone.
I want to improve my health by quitting smoking and I really feel Aqua-Tine™ can put me in that right direction. It has already. I am smoking less, not having to leave a social situation for that cigarette.
I drink a lot of water so I easily pour the packet into my water bottle. It is very easy to use and mix with any drink.
If you would would like more information, visit their FAQ page AQUA-TINE™ FAQ . I am happy to know that using Aqua-Tine meets the Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) for homeopathic drugs products.
Aqua-Tine™ 12 pack is SOLD OUT, but readers can now receive $25% Off the Aqua-Tine™ 40 pack (reg. $24.95) by using code AQATINE25OFF ORDER AQUA-TINE™
Aqua-Tine™ 12 pack is SOLD OUT, but readers can now receive $25% Off the Aqua-Tine™ 40 pack (reg. $24.95) by using code AQATINE25OFF ORDER AQUA-TINE™
Do not use product simultaneously with smoke, chew, tobacco, snuff or any other nicotine containing products. Mixing Aqua-tine with energy drinks and/or alcohol is not recommended
This is a sponsored post on behalf of Aqua-tine™ #WeLoveSmokers and Blog Meets Brand