Review Biotin Gourmet Biotin Soft Chews from NeoCell Hair Growth, Nail Growth

I had the opportunity to try Gourmet Biotin Soft Chews from NeoCell. I know a lot about Biotin because my 23 year old daughter suffers from hair growth. Once she cut her hair few years ago and started to high-light her hair it has not grown no more than an inch in the past few years. Normal hair growth should be around 1/2 inch monthly. 

I did a lot of research about hair growth and the first word that always popped up is Biotin. As a young woman she wants her hair nice and long and when she goes out puts extensions in her hair. It has made her quite upset not understanding why she has no hair growth. Her hair dresser recommended Biotin shampoo and she has used that over the past year with hardly any results. We also added Biotin capsules to her shampoo and I would mix it in for her to wash her hair with. Not much results there either.

She is not one to take capsules that contains Biotin so we never knew if that would work. I told her lets try the Biotin Soft Chews. We both tried the soft chews and they were delicious !! Nice soft chews with a great grape flavor.

We measured her hair on the first day of our 30 day test. Her hair measured from top to bottom 16 inches. She continued for the next month to take a chew each day. She did say her nails were much stronger than they were prior. Here are pictures of her hair on the first day.

She had said she did feel like her hair grew a little. It is hard to tell when you see someone each day. We measured her hair again on the 31th day. When I was measuring she sure was right !! It did grow almost an inch. I would say to be exact around ¾ of an inch !! Finally progress!! She was thrilled and I was so happy for her. Her hair grew more in a month than it has in a few years !!! 

I highly recommend Neocell Biotin Bursts!!
Love them for the taste and my daughters hair growth. You can watch their video if you would like to learn more about Biotin Bursts abd visit their website.

Visit their website for many different types of chews and products.

Disclamer:  I did receive Biotin Bursts from Neocell complimentary to try. I will only endorse products I believe in and products that produce results.


  1. I love these Biotin soft chews! It's so much better than taking a big tablet. And they taste good, too.

  2. Never heard of this until now but wow! That's awesome! My sister would love to try this out. I'll be sharing it with her.

  3. Wow, that's great! I've tried the biotin bursts. They taste really good, but never noticed if my hair or nails grew stronger. I'm glad to know it helped a bit.

  4. My teenage daughter and I both have been growing our hair out. it's going great for her, but it's been a hard process for me. Thinking I should try this.

  5. I didn't expect it to work the way you started out, but I'm glad that it did. I wish my hair would grow longer, so maybe I should try.

  6. I will definitely have to try this, I need stronger hair. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this product, it has helped me to decide whether to try it or not.
